Reviews by Warboss Nick

Reviews of products, books, shops and what else comes my way

Whatever I do or buy, I am always glad to hear someone elses opinion first. I hope you will find these reviews helpfull, or at least a good read. Please bear in mind that these articles reflect my very personal view of things. They are by no means imperat and I strongly encourage you to make up your own mind. Hopefully these will prove usefull in that process.

If you have any comments on one of the reviews or feel that you or your product has been treated unjust, please e-mail me.

Rating System

For ease of reading I've started to use a rating system from A to F (with an eventual + or -)Here is how the rating translates:

A - Excellent. You can't get any better than that. Must have been build by Orkimedes himself.

B - Good. While not everything works to perfection this product is clearly above average and a real steal at Warlord Thrunzdar Tonzateef's Used Weaponz and Vehicles Em-pore-E-ummm (TM).

C - Average. Neither more nor less. A satisfactory product that adresses all needs but could be improved. Decent mek's work and still a fair deal.

D - Sufficient. The product is below average and needs improvement, but is still capable of fulfilling its purpose. The mek was on funghus beer and his grot orderlies did the job instead.

E - Unsatisfactory. The product has defects and cannot be used for its purpose without further improvement. It looks and functions as if it was designed by a troll.

F - Useless. This product is completely useless and there is no way it can fulfill its purpose. It might even be dangerous to use. Not even a curious grot would touch it and that's saying something.

Various gamestores in Britain and Germany

Magna-Base - magnetic bases for Warhammer Fantasy

Warhammer Fantasy, 7th Edition

Legal Disclamer