Feeldmarshell Bosnik's fleet

A Blood Axes fleet for Battlefleet Gothic

My fleet for Battlefleet Gothic is that of Feeldmarshell Bosnik's Sneeky Speshul Forciz, my 40k Ork warband.

The basis for this fleet was a birthday present from some of my friends, who joined to spare me the pain (or the pleasure?) to scratch build a fleet. Below you will find a diary in which I describe my progress with this fleet. A gallery and a tactics section might follow later.

The diary:

Part 1 - The building of an ork fleet for. Battlefleet Gothic

Part 2 - Choosing a paint scheme.

Part 3 - The "Paint a BFG fleet kontust".

Part 4 - Time Warp!

Part 5 - Adding a Rokk.

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